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BLOG - Wills And Probate

  • 07 Aug, 2020 Posted By: Lisa Morgan
    You may have read our blog about making or changing your Will under lockdown, which addressed some of the most common queries raised -if you haven’t you can find it here.  At that time of reporting, witnessing a Will by using video-conferencing such as Zoom, Skype, Facetime was not permitted. However, on 25 July 2020, the government changed... read more.
  • Making or changing your Will under Lockdown  Making or changing your Will under Lockdown
    21 Apr, 2020 Posted By: Lisa Morgan
    As the UK’s lockdown continues for another three weeks, and  with the likelihood of the restrictions remaining in place for the foreseeable future, the Private Client department at FDC Law have seen an increase of interest in making and updating Wills. We have put together a short blog to answer the most common enquiries raised as to... read more.
  • Do not let the rise in Statutory Legacy put you off making a WillDo not let the rise in Statutory Legacy put you off making a Will
    17 Jan, 2020 Posted By: Emma Williams
    A Statutory Legacy is a Legacy a Spouse or Civil Partner will receive from an intestate estate.  From 6th February 2020, that figure will rise from £250,000 to £270,000 in line with inflation. The law society has issued a press release explaining what this means; “If someone dies without making a will – also known... read more.
  • 12 Mar, 2019 Posted By:
    Even though Inheritance Tax (“IHT”) is based on a simple concept – whatever you own at the date of your death will potentially be subject to tax – the reality is often very complex.  Despite this, more and more people are taking up the Government’s offer to do their own DIY Probate.  What they don’t tell... read more.
  • 21 Feb, 2019 Posted By: D.Collins
    The Government proposes to increase Probate fees to as much as £6,000 for the largest estates in April 2019. This move is heavily opposed by MPs, Lords in the House of Lords, STEP, Solicitors For the Elderly, the Law Society and Solicitors across England and Wales. Fees structure The Law Society has been rallying for people to write... read more.
  • 26 Sep, 2018 Posted By: Leanna Haskell
    A Lasting Power of Attorney is Just For the Elderly – Or is it? Absolutely not. Most of us understand the importance of making a Will, but a worrying number of us don’t understand the importance of making Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) – whatever your age. An LPA is a legal document that allows people you trust to make decisions... read more.
  • Inheritance Tax Planning and Lifetime GiftsInheritance Tax Planning and Lifetime Gifts
    12 Feb, 2018 Posted By: Abigail Whelan
    Depending on how much you have to leave, your estate may be liable to pay Inheritance Tax when you die, and you may want to think about how you can reduce that impact.If you are concerned about the impact of Inheritance Tax on your estate, lifetime gifting - giving some of your assets away while you are alive - can be a useful tool to mitigate this.... read more.
  • Dying in the Digital AgeDying in the Digital Age
    11 Dec, 2017 Posted By: Leanna Haskell
    Over the past five years, internet use amongst the over 65’s has increased substantially and figures are expected to rise dramatically over the next decade as an increasingly tech savvy population ages.  The question of what happens to our online presence when we die has never been so important.  What is a Digital Asset and why are... read more.
  • Powers of Attorney How to ensure that yours is not open to abusePowers of Attorney How to ensure that yours is not open to abuse
    18 Sep, 2017 Posted By: D.Collins
    Darrell Collins, Head of our Private Client Department,  has spoken out to defend Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs).   This follows comments from a former Senior Judge that Power of Attorney orders are open to financial abuse.   But national group Solicitors for the Elderly says that, with the right advice, Powers of Attorney... read more.
  • Government Confirms Huge Increase In Probate FeesGovernment Confirms Huge Increase In Probate Fees
    15 Mar, 2017 Posted By: D.Collins
    The government have announced that they will be proceedings with controversial plans to introduce huge increases to the fees charged by the Probate Court Service, for obtaining grants of Probate. At present, there  are flat rate fees which apply to all estates, of  £155 where the application is made via a solicitor, or £215... read more.
  • Inheritance Tax. The Law is ChangingInheritance Tax. The Law is Changing
    29 Nov, 2016 Posted By: D.Collins
    Last year alone the Inland Revenue collected £4,643,000,000 in Inheritance Tax. If you would like to reduce the contribution you make to that sum, it’s important to plan ahead and to think about Inheritance Tax when you make your will, and to review your plans when the government makes changes to the rules. The tax is payable by estates... read more.
  • Have you set up Powers of AttorneyHave you set up Powers of Attorney
    24 Nov, 2016 Posted By: D.Collins
    Martin Lewis, the ‘money saving expert’ spoke to Adrian Chiles on his  BBC show, recently  about the importance of LPAs and of making a will As Martin Lewis explains, failing to make a will (for anyone, but particularly for unmarried couples) can cause terrible problems, and can means that the people whom you love and want... read more.
  • Our private client department  is expanding. Our private client department  is expanding.
    27 Apr, 2016 Posted By: D.Collins
    The Partners  at FDC Law are pleased to announce that Leanna Knight has joined FDC Law Frome, as a member of the Private Client Department.   Leanna is a native of Frome and, she says, is delighted to be returning to her home turf to work! She  obtained her law degree from Bournemouth University, and has previously worked... read more.
  • Proposed New Stealth Tax on EstatesProposed New Stealth Tax on Estates
    25 Feb, 2016 Posted By: D. Little
    The Ministry of Justice have recently issued a consultation paper with their proposals to reform the application fees for Grants of Representation (The application made for Probate or letters of administration, to allow you, as their executor or administrator, to deal with their estate)  in England & Wales.    The MoJ propose... read more.
  • Partner Wins Claim for HomePartner Wins Claim for Home
    17 Feb, 2016 Posted By: M. Taylor
    Joy Williams lived with her partner, Norman Martin for 18 years in a home they owned together. However, when he died unexpectedly in 2012, she found that, because they were not married, Mr Martin had not made a will, and the couple owned the property as Tenants in Common,  Mr Martin’s share of the house did not pass to her, but instead became... read more.
  • 11 Dec, 2015 Posted By: D.Collins
    According to recent research carried out for the Cabinet Office and Charities Aid Foundation, around 35% of people want to give money to charity when they die, but in practice only around 7% do so.   Part of this is, no doubt, due to the number of us who put off making a will – around 1 in 3 people in the UK die without a will,... read more.
  • An End to Disinheritance?An End to Disinheritance?
    21 Aug, 2015 Posted By: D.Collins
    Many of you will have seen the news headlines about the will of Mrs Melita Jackson, which was successfully challenged by her daughter, Mrs Ilott, recently.   Mrs Jackson was a widow, her husband having died in an industrial accident before their only child was born. She fell out with her daughter over her daughter’s relationship with,... read more.
  • Inheritance Act ChangesInheritance Act Changes
    10 Jul, 2015 Posted By: D.Collins
    The Chancellor, George Osborne announced in his budget on Wednesday that he will effectively raise the individual inheritance tax threshold from £325,000 to £500,000 for those with a family home. Married couples and civil partners may therefore be able to pass on estates to their children or grandchildren  worth up to £1million... read more.
  • 01 Oct, 2014 Posted By: D.Collins
    The law about intestacy (what happens if you die without a will) is changing on 1st October, but you may still be surprised to learn who would (and who wouldn’t)  be entitled to inherit if you don’t leave a will. If you are not married to your partner, he or she  won’t automatically get anything if you die without a will,... read more.
  • 18 Jul, 2014 Posted By: D.Collins
    You may have seen news reports recently that a Will-Writer,  Keith Webber, has been ordered by a court to repay over £360,000 he stole from the estates of his clients.  Webber was also convicted of fraud and theft and given a 5 year prison sentence.  Unlike Solicitors, who are subject to very strict regulation, will-writers... read more.


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